Meetkunde: Analitiese Meetkunde
Original price
R 175.00
Original price
R 175.00
Original price
R 175.00
R 175.00
R 175.00
Current price
R 175.00
Delivery times
Times are from when payment reflects in our bank account.
- Main and regional areas: 5 - 8 working days
- Remote areas: 9 - 12 working days
Full colour wall charts / posters depicting analytical geometry, in Afrikaans. These charts define and show how to work out the:
- Midpoint of a line segment (Middelpunt van 'n Lynstuk)
- Equation of a straight line (Vergelyking van 'n Reguitlyn)
- Gradient of a straight line (Helling / Gradient van 'n Reguitlyn)
- Inclination of a straight line (Inklinasie van 'n Reguitlyn)